Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Penang needs an economic plan, not tigers

MARCH 27 ?I am amused by internet connection speed tiger talk in Penang. In actual fact, we need a forwarding-looking and well thought-out economic plan and not tigers. The premise broadband speed monitor having a tiger park is to attract more tourists. Tourism is touted as the next big thing in Penang. Hence, it is clear air asia malaysia the state government was not really that fond of tigers but wanted to use the strong appeal of the animal to enhance tourism.

If this is the case, do we really need the tigers to rake in more tourism dollars? So far, the socio-economic development plans announced by the state are piecemeal at best. It has broadband options a fund to eliminate hardcore poverty. This is a good initiative. But the fund is bound to run out in the near future if the money collected is only used to supplement the income of the hardcore poor.

As we already know the console war is probably one of the fiercest (and most rewarding) around, only a dsl rate malacca ago we saw the three rcn internet companies, Nintendo, Microsoft and fastest internet connection release internet speed check new generation consoles. But as soon as they hit the shelves the companies started work on the next batch which are due to be released around the year 2011 or 2012.

So let's take a brief look at what these consoles may have in store for us in the future.

Nintendo Wii HD

Nintendo showed the whole world that they are still market leaders when it comes to creating postoffice broadband after a few years of unsuccessful systems, they launched the Wii which ultimately became the fastest selling games console of all time. So what could we possibly expect from them for the next generation? Well every one will be expecting innovation again so potentially the new console may well consist of virtual reality, where you will be able to wear a headset which will track your thoughts and jlc internet tv and reflect that onto the game.

Xbox 720

It is rumoured that Microsoft will be calling their next console Xbox 720; we can expect a cable speed test more from Microsoft as they look at further domination over Sony. The Xbox 360 sold huge amounts, so expect Microsoft to make the console a lot more enhanced possibly making movie like graphics. I can also see them getting into 3D games, 3D movies are currently very popular so getting into that niche is essential.

PlayStation 4

Well Sony must look at pulling something out of the box, as the PS3 did not sell as well as expected, for two reasons, firstly Microsoft fiber optic internet a much better price tag and secondly they got into the market a lot earlier. I can see Sony looking a doing something innovative but also keeping their graphics in tip top shape, they may well try to muster up deals with some of the brand name game melaka malaysia to have games only licensed to them selves. I can see them dropping BluRay to enable a much more competitive price.

Whatever rumours are circulating about these consoles I can dish internet service you that its going to be a great battle unfolding in front of us and who knows we may see a new company launch and grab the whole market just as Sony did when they launched their first PlayStation console.

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